Josefin Arnell + Performance Lab – Scripting and scribble

Scripting and scribble – a workshop followed by a screening of ‘Buurthuis 2’ & ‘Beast and Feast’ with artist Josefin Arnell

Organised by Performance Lab

Sunday June 2, 2024

11:00 – 17:30 workshop

18:30 doors & bar open

19:00 – 21:00 screening

Scripting and scribble is a workshop for 14 participants where we will together create a collective film script. Josefin will bring texts, images and videos with themes and questions. This material will work as a base for a script writing workshop where we start to shape a collective film script. The day will include writing exercises, character development, drawings and body movements.

The workshop is an insight into how Josefin is working in preparation for her films and performances. Material produced in this workshop will be collectively made, and will therefore be available for further use by all participants, if they so wish, including Josefin.

No previous experience in script writing or film is necessary. The workshop is for anyone interested in collective storytelling


After the workshop we continue with a fully public event, with a screening of ‘Buurthuis 2’, 16 min (2023) and ‘Beast and Feast’, 25 min (2023).
Attendance is open for all, reservation is required.
There will be drinks, snacks and collective conversation after the screening.
Tickets available here

Capacity for the workshop is limited. To ensure a committed group of participants we organise through a system of reimbursement. You can purchase a ticket for the workshop and will receive nearly all the money back after the workshop. €1,29- goes to booking fees and is non-refundable.

Attendance to the evening screening is made through free reservation.

Get in touch if you have any questions about access, and/or dietary requirements for the workshop, by writing to with [scripting and scribble] in the subject line.